Drugs & Medicine
- I know we're now in a world of 'alternative facts,' but look at the facts in Kentucky...Three years after implementing the Affordable Care Act, our uninsured rate dropped from over 20 percent to 7 percent. Our uncompensated rate for providers dropped from like 25 percent to less than 5 percent.
- I'd go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble also. I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill.
- The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed -- like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions.
- Vaccines are to measles what responsible gun storage is to child shootings. The onus is on adults to protect children.
- I don’t look at them as having terrible birth defects. I look at them as gorgeous. To me that is not a horrible, hideous birth defect. It’s no less beautiful to me.
- I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else in the world. I have a fleet of submarines, airplanes, trucks and boats.
- See? I knew he wasn’t really human.
- It's backwards. You've spent so much time terrified that you're going to get it, and then you have it. You don't have to be terrified anymore.
- Can I vaccinate anyone who approaches me in Stand Your Ground states?
- As doctors and dentists, we share a singular core value that binds us together: an unflinching commitment to improve the lives of our patients. This is our true north. But how this value is reflected in your work – your vision – will be unique to you.
- I behaved badly, and I will have to live with that, but my own inexcusable arrogance is not a flaw in the Affordable Care Act.
- We want our country to go in a conservative direction, where the patients have the power; where we have no shame in using American natural resources to create better jobs for working families; where we, the people, have the power and not the federal government.