Friday, January 17, 2025
American University
A project of the Rev. James B. Simpson Fellowship at American University’s School of Communication

You gotta realize we are in America, and in America, there are no sacred days. Because we commercialize everything. We’re only 5 years away from 9/11 sales….’Come on down to Red Lobster! These shrimp are 9 dollars and 11 cents!’ It doesn’t matter what the holiday is. Martin Luther King Day, it’s gonna be the same thing. Gonna be watching TV like, ‘These Toyotas are practically free at last, free at last!’

You gotta realize we are in America, and in America, there are no sacred days. Because we commercialize everything. We’re only 5 years away from 9/11 sales….’Come on down to Red Lobster! These shrimp are 9 dollars and 11 cents!’ It doesn’t matter what the holiday is. Martin Luther King Day, it’s gonna be the same thing. Gonna be watching TV like, ‘These Toyotas are practically free at last, free at last!
— Chris Rock