Tuesday, February 18, 2025
American University
A project of the Rev. James B. Simpson Fellowship at American University’s School of Communication

What if Christians were held accountable for their words and acts in the United States? What if every time Pat Robertson uttered another nonsensical comment about gays causing hurricanes the National Council of Churches, the National Association of Evangelicals and the U.S. Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops were forced to parade in front of the cameras and issue apologetic statements because a Christian pastor had once again dehumanized children of God, who are still victims of hate crimes in this nation?

What if Christians were held accountable for their words and acts in the United States? What if every time Pat Robertson uttered another nonsensical comment about gays causing hurricanes the National Council of Churches, the National Association of Evangelicals and the U.S. Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops were forced to parade in front of the cameras and issue apologetic statements because a Christian pastor had once again dehumanized children of God, who are still victims of hate crimes in this nation?
— Chuck Currie