We taxpayers find ourselves shouldering the burdens of the nation while wealthy special interests are able to avoid paying taxes, shifting their fair share, plus many of the costs of their own businesses, such as environmental cleanup, onto working people. This goes quite beyond taxation without representation, for the problem is not so much that our interests are being neglected, but that our interests are being squarely attacked and damaged while we subsidize our attackers. It is un-American in all its aspects.

We taxpayers find ourselves shouldering the burdens of the nation while wealthy special interests are able to avoid paying taxes, shifting their fair share, plus many of the costs of their own businesses, such as environmental cleanup, onto working people. This goes quite beyond taxation without representation, for the problem is not so much that our interests are being neglected, but that our interests are being squarely attacked and damaged while we subsidize our attackers. It is un-American in all its aspects.